A Seething Crisis of Unprecedented Illegal Immigration Sparks National Outrage

Introduction: The issue of illegal immigration at the southern border has become an undeniable reality during the Biden administration. This article delves into the confirmed facts surrounding the surge in illegal border crossings and the broader implications for national security, public health, and constitutional concerns.

Unprecedented Influx and CBP Data: The Biden administration has faced a surge in illegal border crossings, with concrete data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) indicating over 5.4 million such incidents. This surge extends across the entire southern border, raising questions about the administration’s ability to manage the situation effectively.

National Security Implications and Most-Wanted Individuals: The open southern border has allowed not only individuals seeking economic opportunities but also those with criminal intent to enter the country. Reports indicate that individuals on the FBI and Interpol’s most-wanted lists have been spotted, highlighting the potential national security risks associated with unchecked immigration. The ominous threat made by Movsum Samadov, an Islamic terrorist released in 2023 after a 12-year sentence for jihadism, adds a chilling dimension to the security concerns. Samadov was recently found uttering the threatening words “Soon, you’re gonna know who I am” at the Arizona border earlier this year, according to an independent journalist on video.

Constitutional Mandates and Critics’ Concerns: Critics argue that the surge in illegal border crossings challenges the constitutional mandate granted to Congress to regulate immigration and naturalization. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution empowers Congress to establish laws on immigration, suggesting that the administration’s handling of the situation may conflict with this constitutional principle. This has sparked debates about the balance between border control and the country’s foundational legal framework.

Origin of Immigrants, Cartels, and Foreign Policy Nexus: The demographic composition of those crossing the border includes a significant number from the Middle East and other Asian countries. Given the U.S.’s involvement in foreign conflicts, concerns arise about the potential exploitation of the open border by opposition forces from these regions, posing risks to national security. Additionally, drug cartels exploit the open border, trafficking drugs and humans into the U.S., contributing to the multifaceted challenges faced at the southern border.

Overloaded States and Societal Impact: States declaring themselves as sanctuary states are grappling with an overwhelming influx of immigrants, equivalent to the total populations of 30 states. This influx places immense strain on resources and raises questions about the states’ ability to manage the social and economic impacts of the illegal immigration surge.

Drug Epidemic, Fentanyl, and Public Health Crisis: The open southern border is linked to a surge in drug-related deaths, reaching over 112,000 in a 12-month period in 2023. Critics argue that the unregulated border exacerbates the public health crisis by facilitating the illegal entry of substances. The rise of fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, further compounds the challenges faced at the border, contributing to the overdose epidemic.

Texas’ Defensive Measures and Legal Battles: Texas, one of the states most affected by the border crisis, took proactive measures by deploying the National Guard to protect its border. Legal battles ensued between the state and federal government, highlighting the complexities and tensions surrounding the issue. The Supreme Court found it isn’t legal for Texas to put up barriers, but Texas argues it has the right to defend its state and resists calling off the Texas National Guard.

Conclusion: The surge in illegal immigration across the southern border during the Biden administration is an undeniable fact, supported by concrete data and numerous concerning incidents. As the nation grapples with the multifaceted challenges posed by this surge, addressing the situation requires a comprehensive and bipartisan approach. The upcoming election year may provide an opportunity to reevaluate policies and implement effective measures to secure the border while upholding constitutional principles and safeguarding national interests. The inclusion of individuals with criminal backgrounds, including terrorists, underscores the urgency of finding viable solutions to the ongoing crisis. The potential for a civil war looms if the next administration fails to take decisive action in this election year.

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